Our developers have top 3 results in Java and Java Script certification in the USA
Auto Repair solution
Big Data in Cloud
- Cloud Storage: MySql, Cassandra
- Clustering
- Fault tolerance
- Map Reduce
- Hadoop
- Cloud Distributed Computing
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Efficient Mobile Clients
- One code for all paltform
- Cordova / Phonegap
- AngularJS MVVC
- CSS3 / Bootstrap / Ionic
- Support all configuration
- Android, iOS, Windows mobile..
- Tablets, Smart phones, Websites
Ready B2C Pattern
- Data and Media Sharing
- Schedules and Appointments
- Enforced Security
- Big number ready to use components
- Media capture & target sharing
- Smart Notification
- Data by location
- Integrated Maps and Navigation
- Barcode Scanner, etc.
solution presentation
Click the image below to see presentation:
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